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Allentown PA Answering Service

Allentown PA Answering Service

Welcome to our Allentown, PA answering service, where we proudly answer every call on behalf of your business or organization around the clock, 365 days a year!

Did you know that 80% of callers who reach voicemail do not leave a message? Potential customers will simply hang up and move on to the next business, potentially your competitor. This is why having a reliable answering service is a must for your success.

When you partner with Pittsburgh Telephone Answering Service, our virtual receptionists stand by to take care of your callers, and ensure a positive experience with every interaction. By allowing our live answering agents to handle your inbound calls, you free up valuable time and resources for your staff to tackle tasks that cannot be outsourced. 

The Pittsburgh Telephone Answering Service Difference

Whatever your industry - from medical to legal, from plumbing to property management, our specialized Allentown answering service agents understand and cater to the specific requirements of your industry. Pittsburgh Telephone Answering Service is here to support businesses in all of Allentown’s key industries, including:

Allentown PA Answering Service Pricing

At PTAS, our comprehensive plans start at just $29 per month

This is a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time receptionist in Allentown. And with PTAS, you can rest assured that no important call will slip through the cracks again. 

When you partner with PTAS, you can expect:

  • Local Pennsylvania Knowledge: PTAS stands out from other Allentown answering services with our deep understanding of the Pennsylvania culture and local preferences
  • Bilingual Answering Agents: According to the U.S. Census, around 15% of Allentown's population speaks Spanish. With our 24/7 bilingual answering service, your callers can interact with your business in English or Spanish, whichever they feel most comfortable with.
  • Customized Answering Scripts: Customize your call screening, appointment scheduling, and more to suit your unique style. When we partner with you, we start by fully understanding your operations, ensuring our agents are fully immersed in your brand's tone and preferences.
  • Advanced Telephone Technology: With an average wait time of just 20 seconds, your calls are quickly directed to a skilled agent, ensuring prompt and knowledgeable assistance. Pennsylvania is a state that values technology, and at PTAS, we've made significant investments in cutting-edge telephone technology to manage nationwide call volumes and route calls efficiently. 

We also provide message taking and delivery, disaster backup recovery, and call screening services.

The Best 24/7 Answering Service for Allentown, PA

Allentown, PA, founded in 1762 by William Allen, has a rich history rooted in the early American colonial period. The city experienced significant industrial growth in the 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly in iron and steel production, driven by its strategic location near coal and iron ore resources. Today, Allentown's economy is diverse, with thriving industries including manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation. Lehigh Valley, Pa., has more than 15,000 employers ranging in size from a few workers to thousands of workers

How Will an Allentown Answering Service Benefit Your Business?

The benefits of a live answering service include:

  • After-Hours Support: Calls can come in at any hour, day or night. Whether it's a patient calling with an urgent concern, or a tenant dealing with a heating or cooling emergency, our answering service provides 24/7 coverage so your business always remains accessible.
  • Cost Savings: Partnering with an Allentown answering service means reduced overhead expenses compared to hiring full-time receptionists. Additionally, it offers the flexibility to scale services according to your business needs, ensuring you always have the right level of support without the hassle of managing additional staff.
  • Top-Notch Customer Service: A long wait time or a dropped call may mean a negative review on social media or a customer who will never give you their business again. An answering service ensures that all calls are handled promptly and courteously, minimizing wait times and leaving a favorable impression.
  • Professional and Friendly Voice: Our virtual receptionists greet each caller, embodying friendliness and hospitality in every interaction. We ensure that each exchange is pleasant, reflecting the welcoming spirit of Allentown.
  • Scalability: Your business may experience busy times when call volume goes up, making it harder for your receptionist to handle. At PTAS, we provide cutting-edge technology and expert virtual receptionists ready to scale up as needed.

Contact us today to learn more about Pittsburgh Telephone Answering Service, or to request a quote.