Part of any good marketing campaign or year-round marketing efforts is having a strategy to take all of the phone calls that result from your success. Working with a professional answering service company to be sure that you don’t miss any of those calls can make the difference between gaining sales and losing sales. A…
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Call Center Technology and Your Agents
When you make the decision to work with a professional answering service, you and your business harness not only the skills of talented and well-trained agents but also the highly effective call center technology they use to make sure you never miss a call. This software creates efficiencies for your agents and your management as…
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It’s Time for Vacation and an Answering Service
When you and your team need a vacation, you want to make sure that your customers and prospects are receiving the excellent service they expect. To ensure that your customers are treated with care, it makes sense to hire a professional answering service when your staff is on vacation. The right answering service will also…
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The Answering Service Pricing Model
Businesses of all sizes use professional call answering services as part of their strategy to save money and grow. In fact, industry research has shown that answering services cost companies on average 30% less than hiring an employee to do similar – but likely not all – of the tasks that professional answering services can…
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